Dashers run log
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Nike Running Clubs
well here something about Nike running club in the states.. Happen to been to 2 states chicago and New york, both have well oiled season running groups
The first one was in New york the nike town store is at the back of trump tower. And why is it call Nike town? well because its a sprawling 4 stories high store pack with all the latest Nike gear. The running club at that particular store, have a run every morning 9am from the store to around the central park, depending on how far you want to run theres a small map too.
the next one is in Chicago, similar to the one in NY. This branch is along the magnificient mile or the shopping street. its not as large as the one in NY about 2 floors but well stocked. A few days before i got to Chicago i lost my Nike plus sensor luckily they sell it there at about 19 bucks. which was a good thing coz i dun think i find that in singapore.
I managed to join in for the run this time round. The store have a run every thurs at evening 6.30pm. the route as indicated in the map is along the lake front. On entering the store everone is suppose to register their name and contact. Then deposit the bags with the counter staff. I was also briefed to get the free nike 10k human race run t-shirt cool...There was a pre run briefing. There was some mentioning of the upcoming chicago marathon and training schedule. after which we all head out for the run in groups .. depending on ur pace, you can join the different pacer groups.. i joined the 9mins/mile group.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Running in new york
Guess this post is a little overdue as i was away in the states for my work and vacation. I will recount some of the runs i have in new york.
Due to the pack visitation schedule i was only able to make 1 run in New york Central park. Central park famed for some of the setting of hollywood movie is actually quite huge. dotted with lakes and reservoir. Lotsa ang mo hang out here to suntan and do sports .
Was the 2nd last day of my stay, i made the effort to wake up early and head out for the run. crossing 3 blocks to central park. Temperature was a hot 30 degrees , weather service announce that heatwave will be in new york. But i still went ahead with the run. The roads inside central park is closed for joggers during the morning. So its rather safe to run and cycle and just about any activity. But take note that cyclist will be on the left side of the road. so stay on the right! i was reminded that by a friendly runner.
water point are located everywhere in the park so its alright not to bring any hydration equipment with you. and when you are lost.. maps and location board can be found.

Some of the interesting sights you can find in the park is this reservoir! breathtaking
Facility around central park includes tennis courts , baseball ground, skating rink, swimming pool and boat house.
a complete loop around central park is about 9km, which took me amost an hour to finish running. The heat was so hot almost melted, after the run i headed straight for the juice store to get my energy back.
But the experience having a jog there is something i will remember always
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Rain on my parade..

yup my first oversea run in new york was officially dashed.. it rained on the day of the race. Glance at the window it was drizzling i thought i could just go for it hey its just a drizzle. but once i step out of the apartment my mind changed.. the air was cold and the rain was freezing like ice...dang.. there goes my race..
Sunday, June 01, 2008
1st overseas road race
Well in about 4 hrs i will be boarding my flight to new york for the NYRR 50th anniversary race. Got myself a pair of adidas response 14 trail shoe . Hopefully it will make light work on the run!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Run - 13km Labrador park- southern ridge park

News of the new southern ridge park with the 2 bridges linking them , makes it a must to go down and check it out !
So on sunday the day after the launch went down with my friend for a jog dump our bags at bukit merah . A short warm up and off we go ! first stop is labrador park , yes this is my first time to labrador park . And it is really interesting with all the mockup arti canon and machine gun bunkers. not to mention light house and the fame dragon tooth gate that use to be found there.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
My first NUS Biathlon 2008

My first biathlon and well not that bad since i am doing the sprint. water currents was strong and sea bug were more then sentosa lagoon which we train. (next time train at east coast haha). Seems to be swimming into the float line , not to mention drinking a few gulps of seawater due to the choppy water. Turn point at the bouy is chaos almost cannot swim.

Transition i was doing it slowly.. so slow roonz, sassyrunner shouted at me . oh well run part at the beginning , i was rather slow abit hard to breath. but towards the second half of the 5km , regained my composure and made a good dash to the end point. I think the timing was about 43mins. Not so sure as i did not timed it but just refer from the board.